Dr. David W.L. Ma
GFHS Director, Professor, Human Health & Nutritional Sciences
David studies how the fats we eat influence our health. The goal is to better understand the effects of fats throughout the lifecycle from the early beginnings of life to old age in both the prevention and treatment of disease.
Dr. Jess Haines
GFHS Co-Director, Associate Professor, Family Relations and Applied Nutrition
Jess studies ways to promote healthy weight in children and adolescents. This includes developing community and family-based programs that encourage healthy behaviours in preschool children.
Dr. Andrea Buchholz
Director, Body Composition Laboratory & Professor, Family Relations and Applied Nutrition
Andrea studies how our lifestyle (nutrition, exercise, sleep, etc.) can affect the percentage of fat and muscle in our bodies. She also studies the dairy product and calcium intake of Canadians.
Dr. Clara Cho
Assistant Professor, Tier 2 CRC, Human Health and Nutritional Sciences
Dr. Gerarda Darlington
Professor, Mathematics & Statistics
Gerarda’s areas of interest include statistical methods for correlated observations; methods for epidemiologic and genetic epidemiologic studies and the design and analysis of cluster randomized trials.
Dr. Alison M. Duncan
Professor, Human Health & Nutritional Sciences
Alison studies the effects that foods and natural health products have on our health. She is most interested in functional foods, which are foods with active components that can influence health.
Dr. Dalia El Khoury
Associate Professor, Family Relations and Applied Nutrition
Dalia’s work with the GFHS looks at exploring biomarkers for metabolic syndrome, and how they are affected by functional foods and/or physical activity, both in kids and adults. She is also interested in assessing intake, knowledge, and attitude with respect to global food trends such as the plant-based diet and the gluten-free diet.
Dr. Jennifer Monk
Assistant Professor, Human Health and Nutritional Sciences
Dr. Lori Ann Vallis
Professor, Human Health & Nutritional Sciences
Lori Ann has a multifaceted approach to the study of human movement. Her research program has focused on strategies used to execute safe movement during adapted locomotor tasks (steering, obstacles) and the role of vision in these tasks.
Dr. Kathryn Walton
Assistant Professor, Family Relations and Applied Nutrition
Kathryn studies what and how young children eat. She is very interested in helping families with children at high risk of eating difficulties, including children born preterm and those with neurodevelopmental disorders.