
We have taken many precautions to ensure that the information and samples you provide us will remain secure and private, and that your identity will be protected.

When you register for this study, you will be assigned a unique identification number that is only available to the study team. The study team will use your unique identification number to identify you in their work.

All of your information will be stored on a secure server at the University of Guelph. Only the study team can access this server. We will not distribute your information to other people.

Your samples will be stored in locked freezers on the University of Guelph campus. Only the study team can access this freezer. If you agree, your stored samples may be analyzed by the study team and other researchers in the future.

The information collected during this study will be published in journals and at conferences for the purpose of learning. This will happen only after any information that can directly identify you has been removed.