Episode 29: How to Talk to Children About Death


This week on the podcast we are bringing you an interview that might seem slightly off topic for the Healthy Habits Happy Homes podcast, but we thought it would be relevant and timely given the current circumstances. Dr. Kathy Kortes-Miller joined us to have a discussion about how to talk to children about death and she shares helpful strategies for how to have conversations with kids and how exactly to answer their very clever questions on the topic. We learned so much during this interview so we hope you do as well! 


Hospice Palliative Care Ontario: https://www.hpco.ca/  

Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association: https://www.chpca.ca/ (resources for caregivers: https://www.chpca.ca/resource_group/caregivers/)

Advance care planning in Canada: https://www.advancecareplanning.ca/


Children’s Grief Center: https://drjaychildrensgriefcentre.ca/

Grief Counselling: https://andreawarnick.com/