Learn more about the Guelph Family Health Study
Watch this fun video to learn more about the Guelph Family Health Study!
Better snacks needed in kids’ school lunches
New research shows that girls eat more sugary snacks than boys, but there are easy ways to improve the nutrition in all school lunch boxes.
Massive U of Guelph health study recruiting hundreds of local families
Researchers at the University of Guelph are looking for hundreds of families with young children to take part in a study that will follow the health of those families for years, or even decades, to come.
The role of fathers in the diet, activity, and weight of their children
Elie Chamoun, a PhD Candidate working with the GFHS, was interviewed in french by Radio-Canada host Patricia Sauzede-Bilodeau about the role that fathers play in their children’s dietary intake, physical activity and weight.
Kids follow father’s eating habits, study shows
According to the Guelph Family Health Study, kids mimic Dad’s eating habits more than Mom’s.
Kids in the Kitchen
This collection of recipes was created just for kids! Getting your kids into the kitchen early can help you teach them how to choose healthy foods and is a great way to spend quality time together! Research shows that children who are involved in food preparation are more likely to try new foods.
Study says dads are key to raising healthy eaters
If you are a mom who’s struggling to feed a picky eater, it might be time for Dad to intervene.
Make Ahead, Big Batch and Slow Cooker Recipes
Meal preparation can be especially difficult during the winter when the days are shorter and it’s cold outside. These recipe ideas for make-ahead, big-batch and slow cooker meals will help make meals easier during the long winter months.
Fill Half Your Plate with Fruits & Vegetables
One of our goals at the Guelph Family Health Study is to help your family develop healthy eating behaviours, including eating more fruits and vegetables. For this recipe book, we have partnered with Half Your Plate to provide you with tips, tricks and recipes to increase your family’s fruit and vegetable intake.
Guelph kids love to snack
Dr. Andrea Buccholz and Joy Mackay of the Guelph Family Health Study have co-authored a blog for “Research Matters,” featuring Joy Mackay’s research on snacking in children.